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Planetary and Space Science/Artykuły
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Planetary and Space Science – periodyk wydawany od 1959 roku przez wydawnictwo ELSEVIER[1]; ISSN 0032-0633.
Cytowany również pod nazwami/skrótami: Planet. Space Sci..
Wybrane artykuły o meteorach, bolidach i meteorytach w Planetary and Space Science.
Planetary and Space Science
- Duczmal-Czernikiewicz Agata, Michalska Danuta, (2018), Mineralogy and microstructure of the Morasko meteorite crust, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 164, 2018, s. 44-53. Plik doi.
- Lipschutz Michael E., Wolf Stephen F., Dodd Robert T., (1997), Meteoroid streams as sources for meteorite falls: a status report, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 45(5), 1997, s. 517-523. Plik doi.
- Łuszczek Katarzyna, Przylibski Tadeusz A., (2019), Potential deposits of selected metallic resources on L chondrite parent bodies, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 168, 2019, s. 40-51. Plik doi.
- Łuszczek Katarzyna, Krzesińska Agata M., (2020), Copper in ordinary chondrites: Proxies for resource potential of asteroids and constraints for minimum-invasive and economically efficient exploitation, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 194, 2020, ss. 9. Plik doi.
- Łuszczek Katarzyna, Przylibski Tadeusz A., (2021), Selected metal resources on H chondrite parent bodies, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 206, 105309, 2021, ss. 8. Plik doi.
- Pecina Petr, (1994), On the determination of meteoroid orbital elements, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 42(8), 1994, s. 677-683. Plik doi.
- Pujol Jose, Rydelek Paul, Ishihara Yoshiaki, (2006), Analytical and graphical determination of the trajectory of a fireball using seismic data, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 54(1), 2006, s. 78-86. Plik doi.
- Spurný Pavel, (1997), Exceptional fireballs photographed in central Europe during the period 1993-1996, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 45(5), 1997. s. 541-555. Plik doi.
- Stankowski Wojciech Tomasz Jan, (2001), The geology and morphology of the natural reserve „Meteoryt Morasko”, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 49(7), 2001, s. 749–753. Plik PDF; plik doi.
- Stankowski Wojciech, Katrusiak A., Budzianowski A., (2006), Crystallographic variety of magnetic spherules from Pleistocene and Holocene sediments in the Northern foreland of Morasko-Meteorite Reserve, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 54(1), 2006, s. 60-70. Plik PDF; plik doi.
- Stankowski Wojciech, (2007), Luminescence dating as a diagnostic criterion for the recognition of Quaternary impact craters, Planetary and Space Science, vol. 55(7-8), 2007, s. 871-875. Plik doi.
- Biała Jadwiga, Manecki Andrzej, (2011), Bibliografia meteorytyki polskiej (1805-2010) (Bibliography of Polish Meteoritics (1805-2010)), Polskie Towarzystwo Meteorytowe, Sosnowiec 2011. ISBN 978-83-921834-1-9.
- Koblitz Jörn, MetBase. Meteorite Data Retrieval Software, Version 7.3 (CD-ROM), Ritterhude, Germany 1994-2012. MetBase.
Źródła plików
- ScienceDirect.com – Planetary and Space Science
Zobacz również
- meteoryty: Morasko, Morávka
- bolidy: Jindřichův Hradec, Janov 1987, Meuse, Tisza
Linki zewnętrzne
- ELSEVIER – Planetary and Space Science
- Wikipedia (EN) – Planetary and Space Science