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St. Michel


(Przekierowano z Mikkeli)

This page was edited by Jarkko Kettunen.

St. Michel
St.Michel (Jarkko Kettunen)-b.jpg
Fragments with crust: left 290 g, right 65 g and publication Borgström (1912); collection Jarkko Kettunen
Location Mikkeli, Finland
Coordinates[1] 61°39'N, 27°12'E
Date Jul. 12, 1910, 19:25
Class ordinary chondrite, L6
Mass 17 kg
Meteoritical Bulletin Database
in NHM Cat: Mikkeli

At southeast Finland on the 12th of July 1910 a bright fireball, like the sun, appeared in the evening sky. It came down in steep angle from south to north and went off at the height of 30 km. A couple of witnesses saw the meteorite broke in two pieces before the fireball disappeared.

Some people claimed that they heard a strange hissing sound, before the thundering noice from the meteorite reached them some minutes later. After the fireball disappeared two hard explosions was heard and then thunder like noice. Meteorite fell down in two pieces ten kilometers southwest of Mikkeli (St. Michel at that time).

Farmer Daniel Honkanen was at his hayfield at that day. Sun was still shining at eight o'clock (in official report at 19:25 o'clock) in the beautiful summer evening. Suddenly he heard loud noise up in the air and saw a black object coming straight towards him. Then it just vanished. It was right then he heared a thump, when the meteorite hit the ground.

Soon he and the women that accompanied him found a hole on the field boundary. It was 60 cm deep and in the bottom of that hole there was a broken 7 kg meteorite (total weight for collected pieces 6802 g). Later similar hole and broken 10 kg (total weight for collected pieces 9650 g) meteorite was found two kilometers away in the forest. Both meteorites have a black crust allover so the break up for these pieces must have happened high in the air.


Fragments of the St. Michel meteorite in the largest collections:

Collection weight of fragments
(Koblitz MetBase)
Helsinki, Geol. Mus. Univ. 8.1 kg [main mass]
Vienna, Naturhist. Mus. 1045 g
London, Nat. Hist. Mus. 953 g
New York, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 752 g
Paris, Mus. d'Hist. Nat. 612 g


© Jan Woreczko & Wadi

(M) Mikkeli

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Jan Woreczko collection


  • Borgström Leonhard Henrik, (1912), Die Meteoriten von St. Michel (Mit 3 Tafeln und 1 Figur im Text) , Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande, nr 34, Helsingfors 1912, pp. 49.[2] Plik PDF.
  • Kettunen Jarkko, Moilanen Jarmo, (2017), St. Michel - Takaisin Mikkeliin!, Tähdet ja avaruus, 5, 2017, pp.
  • Koblitz Jörn, MetBase. Meteorite Data Retrieval Software, Version 7.3 (CD-ROM), Ritterhude, Germany 1994-2012. MetBase.
  • Oja Heikki, (1978), Tulipalloja taivaalla, Tähtitieteellinen yhdistys Ursa, Helsinki 1978, pp. 208.[3] File doi.


  1. ^ unless otherwise stated, the coordinates used in the official meteorite database are given Meteoritical Bulletin Database
  2. ^ ilustracje z publikacji Borgströma z fińskim meteorytami
  3. ^ meteoryty Finlandii

See also

External links
