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Śląsk 1841


Doniesienie o spadku 5 grudnia 1841 roku na Śląsku (Schlesien, Silesia).

U Boguslawskiego[1]

U Greg'a[2]
Year. Day of month. Locality. Size or weight. Direction. Duration; rate; hour; Remarks, &c.
1841.* Dec. 5 Goldberg, Silesia[3] = full moon S.W. to N.E. 1' lighted up all the sky; bluish; detonation?. 6.45 P.M. Silesia, Hirschberg, Breslau, Oderberg, Lukenwald, and other places. In bursting, fell into many stars equal 1st mag. in size. Intense light; some heard a report.


  • von Boguslawski Georg, (1854), Zehnter Nachtrag zu Chladni's Verzeichnisse der Feuermeteore und herabgefallenen Massen (Wien 1819). Annalen der Physik und Chemie, IV, 90 uzupeł. (ergänzungsband), s. 1-155, 1854. Plik DjVu


  1. ^ von Boguslavski 1854
  2. ^ Greg 1861
  3. ^ chodzi zapewne o Złotoryję (Goldberg) na Śląsku

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